If they are working off the folder then there may be the .tmp autosave in the network recycle bin.
- Go to the relevant RecycleBin folder (eg \\\Melbourne Projects)
- Navigate to the relevant job folder
- Sort by Date and look for the files that are around the time that you require
- COPY (don’t move or rename) the files to the relevant job folder (ie not in the recycle bin)
- Rename the .tmp extension to the relevant extension (eg .xlsx .docx) (might need to go to View ribbon and turn on view extensions)
- Files that say they are not a compatible format will be due to being given wrong extension (eg xlsx instead of .docx) and are either the wrong file or renamed incorrectly
- Ask consultant to verify file is correct
Might have to check the local unsaved files
- C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\{relevant program eg Word or Excel}
- Open relevant folder (original file name) and copy the .asd file
- Paste the .asd file into “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles”
- Open Word and click on File – Recent
- Scroll to the bottom of the list you and select “Recover Unsaved Documents” and open the .asd file