Your own personal IT department

Unsaved file recovery

If they are working off the folder then there may be the .tmp autosave in the network recycle bin.
  1. Go to the relevant RecycleBin folder (eg \\\Melbourne Projects)
  2. Navigate to the relevant job folder
  3. Sort by Date and look for the files that are around the time that you require
  4. COPY (don’t move or rename) the files to the relevant job folder (ie not in the recycle bin)
  5. Rename the .tmp extension to the relevant extension (eg .xlsx .docx) (might need to go to View ribbon and turn on view extensions)
  6. Files that say they are not a compatible format will be due to being given wrong extension (eg xlsx instead of .docx) and are either the wrong file or renamed incorrectly
  7. Ask consultant to verify file is correct
Might have to check the local unsaved files
  1. C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\{relevant program eg Word or Excel}
  2. Open relevant folder (original file name) and copy the .asd file
  3. Paste the .asd file into “C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\UnsavedFiles”
  4. Open Word and click on File – Recent
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the list you and select “Recover Unsaved Documents” and open the .asd file

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